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It’s time to Break Free from the Old “Weight loss and diet” mentality….and embrace a HEALTHY LIFESTYLE IDENTITY.

If you’ve struggled with weight gain, yoyo diets and the mental battle with your scale….

This concept may very well give you some much needed Clarity…. And a new outlook on your health. 

After over a decade in the health industry and having worked with Hundreds of clients… I’ve realized how most of us have this all wrong… 

Let’s step out of the Fitness domain for a moment…

If your dream was to become a professional musician… let’s use a violinist to help illustrate the story… 

Would you… Practice as hard as you could for 2 months…. Learn your favorite song…feel accomplished…. And then stop playing the violin???

That’s a Hard NO!

You would embrace the identity of a Violinist 

You would practice X number of hours per week…

You would listen to other musicians who’ve already achieved greatness in their craft…

You would continuously strive to improve and learn new, more challenging musical pieces, etc.

Do you see how this is contradictory to the Dieting mentality… the weight loss mentality….

The term “Diet” itself is representative of a short term phase…. Not a true change. 

True change…real change…. Sustainable change….

Comes when you make a shift at your IDENTITY LEVEL… 

I am healthy…

I eat nutritious, whole food…

I exercise to take care of my body…

I prioritize my mental health… 

When you make this shift… (and it does take time and work)…. It can be permanent!

THAT…. THAT is the secret sauce you’re looking for….

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